Today I want to make a friendship bracelet, but......I looked for the rope everywhere and found nothing. So, I changed my mind. I still have the material to make the other kind of bracelet. ... :)....
Materials :
1. nylon thread no 25 ,
2. Round beads 4 mm, gold colour
3. cylinder - shape,white transparent, size 2 mm
4. cylinder shape, green transparent size 4 mm
5. A hook for fastening the chain
How to string the bracelet :
1. attach the nylon thread to the loop
2. insert the green transparent bead into both of the nylon thread
3. devide the nylon thread into 2 side, left side and right side
4. insert the cylinder-shape white transparent 2 mm into the right side nylon, do the same thing to the left side.
5. After that , insert the green transparent into the left and right side nylon thread
6. Then, Insert the white transparent bead 2 mm into both of side
7. take 1 of green transparent 4 mm, insert the nylon to the same hole of the bead but opposite. from the nylon thread on the left into the right side and from right to the left.
8. insert one by one as above until finish
9. tide into the loop, don't cut the nylon thread, we're not finish yet.
10.After we finish the first step, go again, insert the round gold 4mm bead into both of the nylon thread.
11. insert the thread into the green bead from the left to the right and from the right to the left.
12. insert again the round gold bead into both of the nylon thread, etc, until finish.
13. Attach the rest of the nylon thread into the loop
14. Attach the chain into the loop.